Profit rates for each download of your files

PPD+PPS: Rate for 1000 download (Applies 100% of Downloads   )

Tier / Length 5-15 MB 15-100 MB 100-250 MB 250-500 MB 500-1500 MB 1500-* MB
Tier 1 $2$5$12$14$16$20
Tier 2 $1.5$3$7$9$12$18
Tier 3 $1$2$4$6$8$12
Tier 4 $0.2$0.5$0.5$0.5$1.5$1.5

Country Groups
Tier 1
United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia
Tier 3
Japan, Luxembourg, Latvia, Mauritius, Malaysia, Oman, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Lithuania, South Korea, Congo, Argentina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary
Tier 2
Kuwait, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Russian Federation, Sweden, Singapore, South Africa, Italy, Andorra, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Germany
Tier 4
Other countries

Profit rates for Pay Per Sale

Rules and Conditions :

Your uploads must meet our terms of service.
We count every successful completed download. We count one unique file per unique IP address every 24 hours.
Files smaller than MB do not qualify for points.
You will be disqualified and banned if you try to manipulate our system.
Downloads by your own account do not count.
Salefiles reserves the right to modify the rewards program at any time.

Advatages of our program :

1) We pay up to $ 25 for each 1000 Downloads.
2) Minimum payout is $ 50.
3) Paid weekly on Sunday. Request before tuesday in the this week
4) Earn % of points earned by each user you refer.
5) Files Of any size qualify.
6) Payments systems (WMZ, BTC, XRP, ETH_erc20, SOL, LTC, BNB, USDT_erc20, USDT_trc20, USDT_bep2, USDT_bep20, USDC_erc20, USDC_trc20, USDC_bep20, USDC_bep2)